YDS Muhtemel Cevaplar ve Sınav Analizi

Genel Sınav Yorumları: Bir YDS’nin daha sonuna gelmiş bulunmaktayız. Umarız tüm dostlarımız dilediği puanlara ulaşır. - Sınavın genel olarak bir öncekinden daha kolay olduğu söylenebilir. - Sınavın özellikle cümle tamamlama ve paragraf soruları daha rahat hazırlanmıştı. - Cümle tamamlama sorularında doğru cevaplara stratejik olarak yaklaşmakta mümkündü. Derslerde bahsettiğimiz sadece TAZ ile 10 sorunun 8 tanesi çözülebiliyordu. - Paragraf sorularında alışılmışın dışında soru kökleri mevcuttu. Ancak bu durumun adayların lehine olduğu görüşündeyiz. - Sınavın ilk 26 sorusunda doğru cevaplar yaygın yapılardan oluşuyordu. Dolayısıyla bu bölümde adayların zorlanmadığını düşünüyoruz. - Çeviri soruları kısa cümlelerden oluşmuştu ve rahat yapılabilir türdendi. - Sınavın en zor iki soru tipi eş anlamlı cümle ve ilgisiz cümle sorularıydı. - Diyalog sorularında 5 sorudan 3 tanesinin cevabı soru şeklindeydi ve bu durumunda adayların lehine olacağı kanaatindeyiz. - Paragraf tamamlama soruları rahat sorulardı ve şıklara derslerde bahsettiğimiz stratejik yollarla yaklaşmak mümkündü. 2017 Sonbahar YDS Olası Doğru Cevaplarımız: Vocabulary 1. display (… behaviour) 2. tremendous 3. (one) exception (high achievement of Asian student) 4. (most) notably 5. distribution (of agricultural output) 6. bring about ya da draw on Grammar 7. (as to) whether / or 8. while (kedilerden bahseden soru= 9. because (they are freshly picked) 10. (neutral third person pronoun) even though (not commonly accepted) 11. (…ways) such as 12. (protection) against (wild animals) / (spread) into (cooler regions) 13. under (Versailles Treaty) / without (resistance) 14. (the first person) to suggest / began 15. (devices) to introduce / cannot afford 16. were used / could have imagined Cloze - 1 17. as opposed to 18. indispensable (component) 19. may complain (about) 20. (control) over 21. on the contrary Cloze - 2 22. as a result of 23. so 24. (lead them) to pay 25. around (the globe) 26. immensely (popular) Sentence Completion 27. Even though parchment was more difficult to produce and expensive than the papyrus, it was Europe’s favourite writing material. 28. Early humans had no explanation for …, so they could attribute them to the act of Gods. 29. Though China began as a small empire, it expanded considerably into a vast kingdom. 30. While scientists are pretty certain black holes exist, they have never observed let alone get near one of them. 31. Although the science of geology as we know is a young field, insightful observations of Earth’s formation dates back to… 32. Although is a topic that we don’t like speak publicly, we regularly leave digital traces about our economic standing on social media. 33. Prevention children’s academic failure raises individuals who contribute to the common good, thusprevention of academic failure should be a priority of any society. 34. In transitional bilingual education, students are taught in their native language until they are considered ready to switch to English. 35. World’s Space Week takes place in the US every year, and it has grown into the largest public space events since its declaration in 1999. 36. While there is high prevalence of anorexia nervosa among teenagers, the illness can develop at any stage of life. Translation 37. Polar bears are not just symbol …but they are also victim… Sadece … değil ayrıca … şeklinde verilen tek seçenek buydu. 38. Separated from other… New Zealand… Diğer …lardan ayrı olan Yeni Zelanda… şeklinde başlayan seçenek doğru cevap. 39. Imported from China in 12th century, tea … in Japan ever since. “12. yüzyılda Çin’den ithal edilen çay, o zamandan beri Japonya’da…” şeklindeki seçenek doğru cevaptı. 40. Believing that sports encouraged peace among nations.… Pierre de Coubertin organized the first Olympic Games in 1896. “inanarak… düzenledi” şeklinde çevrilen seçenek doğru cevaptı. 41. the distribution, abundance and seasonability of food… Besinlerin dağılımı, bolluğu ve mevsimselliği … şeklinde başlayan seçenek doğru cevaptı. 42. Newton’s theory shows that… show how şeklinde çeldirici seçenek vardı. Body image ile ilgili paragraf 43. the way the media presents body image can badly influence how people see their bodies 44. young people may encounter a lack of self-esteem if they face criticism from their parents 45. teasing might concern a great variety of issues related to typical personal features 46. various familial and societal factors can influence the perception of body image in young people Socrates 47. his initial moral reform earned him reputation in Athenian society 48. Title: Life story of Socrates: from ideas to execution 49. he discussed ethical issues with Athenian fellows to foster respectable behaviours 50. his defence might have had an adverse effect on his chance of survival search engines and NIR 51. to show that the information one can get through search engines is not endless 52. to enable the chemical structures of the substances 53. drawback: it is restricted to only laboratory use 54. Title: Seeing inside things… Botany ile ilgili paragraf 55. he is called the father of botany because he produced two major products which are still in use 56. Title: history of botany… 57. purpose of modern botany: to develop pharmaceutical and agricultural … 58. ???? 2014 şeklinde başlayan paragraf 59. ??? 60. ??? 61. ??? 62. ??? Dialogue Completion 63. We can speculate that it is to do with experience high levels of anxiety and fear or being too passionate about things or events. 64. well when you think about it we seem to have communication problem in science she might be using comedy to get to the people with no enthusiasm about science. 65. How does this discovery impact our traditional perception of Egyptian kings? 66. How did you come to a decision that checklists are really beneficial? 67. Are the lengths of intervals important? Paragraph Completion 68. However, despite richness, rainforests have recently been shrinking 69. As with this kind of … it is difficult to determine the origin … (Valentine’s day) 70. It should be noted however that very extreme of restriction can backfire. 71. On the other hand, sharks play a crucial role in ocean ecology Restatement 72. soru: it is already known that flowers use bright colours and scent to lure bees, what is recently discovered by scientists is that they also use electric fields. cevap: The fact that the flowers manifest bright colours and scent to attract bees…, but scientists revealed that they also use electric field. 73. soru: the fierce debate among scientists about whether the intelligence is inherited or acquired later is yet to be resolved. cevap: the heated debate about intelligence is innate or learned later has not been solved... (şeklinde bir cümle) 74. soru: the number of overfed people is greater than the number of people with no enough food… cevap: overfed people outnumber those who are malnutritioned… (şeklindeki cümle) 75. Soru: It is imperative that woman begin reducing risk factors at a younger age in order to decrease the risk of having heart disease once they are old. Cevap: so that içeren cümle doğru cevaptı. Irrelevant Sentence 76. Group decision making paragrafı (V) another dimension group decision making is… 77. Park’larla ilgili paragaf (IV) a half century later photographer Andel Adams 78. Senile dementia ile ilgili paragraf Alakasız for example içeren seçenek. Alzheimer disease’s behavioural symptoms 79. Storm ile ilgili paragraph (III) Erie lake has mud and sand... şeklindeki cümle 80. for example % 97 of students rated their professors favourably… şeklinde cümle